Sorteio de Natal / Giveaway Day

Este ano, o dia 2 de Dezembro é Dia de Sorteio. No blog Sew Mama Sew encontrará uma lista dos participantes desta iniciativa, podendo tentar a sua sorte nos blogues de cada um.
Assim, é com enorme prazer que venho anunciar o Sorteio de Natal de 2009.
Para participar basta deixar um comentário, partilhando connosco o presente de Natal que mais marcou a sua infância.
Este sorteio estará aberto até dia 6 de Dezembro a todos os leitores do Amo-te Mil Milhões, incluindo aqueles além-fronteiras. O vencedor será escolhido à sorte, como aconteceu no ano passado e terá até dia 12 de Dezembro para enviar a sua morada.
O prémio será esta linda Lebre, feita com muito amor.
Participem e Boa Sorte!
Nota: os comentários que não respondam à pergunta do sorteio serão eliminados.

This year, 2 December is Giveaway Day. You will find a list of all the participants at Sew Mama Sew, where you can try your luck and give yourself the chance to win something beautiful at everyone’s blog.
To participate in this giveaway of mine, you just need to leave a comment, sharing with us that Xmas present that most touched your childhood.
This giveaway will be open until December 6 to all readers of Amo-te Mil Milhões, including those abroad. The winner will be picked randomly, as last year, and will have until December 12 to send me his/her adress.

The prize will be this beautiful Hare, made with lots of love.

Join us and Good Luck!
Please note: those comments that don’t answer this giveaway question will be eliminated.

226 comentários em “Sorteio de Natal / Giveaway Day”

  1. O presente de Natal que mais marcou a minha infância foi a minha 1ª máquina fotográfica. No emprego do meu pai, todos os anos havia uma grande festa de Natal e os filhos recebiam um presente. Este pressente podia ser escolhido por nós. Havia, para cada idade, uma série de brinquedos/objectos que podíamos escolher e a que eu escolhi, talvez aos 11/12 anos foi uma máquina fotográfica [muito à frente, para a altura e para a minha idade :)].
    Também vou participar no Giveaway day. Passa no blog amanhã 🙂
    A coelha é deliciosa… adoro as botinhas

  2. The present I remember most is my bike. It was a pink and white banana seat Schwinn…the pink and white faded into each other. I wanted that bike soooo bad and as soon as I got it I was all over the neighborhood. I also thought I was very very cool. I hope I win this gorgeous bunny. 🙂

  3. Que linda lebre! A iniciativa é feliz…
    O presente de Natal que mais me marcou foi um cão tipo salsicha de tecido feito pela minha mãe que diferia do dos meus irmãos pelo tamanho e tecido: cada qual tinha um de acordo com a idade e tamanho. 🙂

  4. ja neva no pais das lebres !:-) …
    bom, eu tambem quero tentar : o melhor presente de Natal foi uma casinha de bonecas que ainda esta em casa da minha mae e com a qual todos os netos brincam.
    Acabei por comprar outra para a minha filha pois aquela nunca saiu de la …

  5. Essa lebre é um mimo!!!

    O presente de Natal que mais me marcou foi o urso "Nicolau"!!! Um peluche do meu tamanho (na altura) que ainda lá está por casa…

    O embrulho era gigante e depois levei-o para casa (o Natal era na casa dos meus tios) no banco da frente do carro preso como cinto de segurança


  6. O presente que mais marcou a minha infancia foi uma boneca de olhos azuis, com um fato, casaco e calça grená, era diferente de todas as outras bonecas, parecia uma estrela de cinema.Já estou a imaginar a lebre cá em casa, é linda…linda…linda….

  7. Uma caixa de bombocas. Nunca houve grande fartura em casa, nunca passámos necessidades, mas também não havia desperdícios… Brinquedos nunca houve. E as prendas eram, normalmente, peças de roupa que precisávamos. Aquele ano chegou uma caixa de bombocas, 6, embrulhada em papel de presente e com um lacinho. Foi a melhor prenda de sempre!

  8. É linda demais a lebre! adoro a neve! 🙂
    O presente que mais me marcou foi no Natal em que os meus pais me ofereceram o meu piano… Eu já tocava há alguns anos e o orgão eléctrico (de brincar) que utilizava para treinar em casa já há muito se tinha tornado pequeno e com escalas insuficientes para as músicas que eu já tocava…
    Lembro-me de entrar na sala e de nem reparar que junto à parede estava um piano!
    Quando reparei… lembro-me que andei aos pulinhos toda a noite e toquei todas as músicas que sabia mais que uma vez para toda a família! 😀
    Obrigada por me fazeres relembrar este momento tão feliz! 🙂



  9. A minha mais bonita prenda de Natal é quando o meu avô fazia a viagem para estar conosco e na noite de Natal ficavamos fechados no quarto dos meus pais para nos mascararmos com a roupa encontarada nas gavetas. Esses natais foram mágicos e nunca esquecidos. O amor foi sempre a minha mais bonita prenda:)

  10. Não sei se foi "o" que mais me marcou, mas foi certamente "um dos"…

    Há algum tempo, recebi de prenda de Natal do meu namorado (agora marido), uma série de cartões com mensagens que terminaram em dois bilhetes para o Lago dos Cisnes, em Lisboa, com orquestra ao vivo, e uma saia com fitas de cetim que ele escolheu para eu vestir.

    Amo-o mil milhões…*

  11. The Christmas present that brought me the most joy every year was my stocking. My older sister and I would sneak out of our beds and grab our stockings and dump the treasures out onto the blankets. The anticipation and excitement of Christmas would spill out along with the little candies and toys.

  12. O presente de Natal que mais me marcou foi sem dúvida quando tinha 4 anos e o meu avô me deu uma bicicleta. Pequenina, vermelhinha, com daquelas rodinhas atras para aprender a andar de bicicleta. Tinha 4 anos mas lembro me que o meu avô, na hora de abrir os presentes, foi para fora de casa e pos-se a fazer barulho com a campainha da bicicleta. fiquei em extase 🙂
    4 anos depois repetiu a prenda, mas desta vez uma bicicleta a sério, cor-de-rosa e com cestinho a frente 🙂 ´só que apesar de ela estar muito bem escondida, encontrei a antes do momento de abrir as prendas 🙂
    pode ser que este ano seja especial com esta lebre :)***

  13. Bem, eu não recebia presentes de natal…. 🙂
    mas o presente que mais me marcou na minha infância foi uma pequena máquina de costura cor de rosa, que funcionava MESMO:)

    Esta lebre é linda, linda linda:)

  14. E que linda lebre!!!
    Pode ser que a sorte esteja a meu favor :))

    O presente que mais me marcou na minha infancia foi uma máquina de escrever toda xpto na altura, mas infelizmente pouco escrevi nela, tinha chegado a era dos computadores, mas quando a recebi o meu coraçao transbordou!

    Beijinho grande

  15. O Virgínia eu nao recordo o presente de Natal que mais marcou a minha infância, seica non hoube nenhum! mas posso contar-te um Natal cuando todos acordamos e nao habia nenhum presente!! a minha avo tinha-os agochados no galinheiro, que ledicia ir lá toda a pequenada á procura!! nao recordo cuais eran os presentes, mas recordo o dia como se fosse hoje 🙂 Esse foi um bo presente!!

    Um beijinho muito grande :*

  16. Que pergunta mais complicada :DD. Os nossos Natais cedo deixaram de ser muito agradáveis, acho que por isso os bloqueei, tenho uma vaga ideia de ter recebido uma vez um conjunto de chá com florzinhas, em loiça, daqueles com que sonhava mas que nunca tinha. É triste mas é verdade, nem mesmo este sei se é verdade ou se é apenas daquelas recordações que queremos que existam… Enfim! A tua coelhinha é linda e seja para quem quer que fique de certeza que vai marcar esse Natal!! :)) ***

  17. Do Natal, dos presentes de Natal da minha infância, eu não me lembro muito bem. Lembro-me de gostar de nenucos, de ter vários nenucos. Nenucos que embrulhava em panos de cozinha. Era, provavelmente, o meu passatempo preferido: passear nenucos. E nenucos eram, provavelmente, os meus brinquedos preferidos.

  18. O presente que mais marcou a minha infância foi um conjunto de coelhinhos e ursinhos vestidos a preceito, com vestidinhos aos quadrados, aventais, saias rodadas… para brincar na casinha de bonecas que pertenceu à minha avó. Ainda hoje os tenho!

  19. I hope I win :p so cute :). Actually it was the most exciting Christmas gift…when I was 10 years, my friend told me to put milk and some grass and put on the list of gifts I want for Santa to give me. It has worked for her for years. So I put a very looong list of things I want and got most of them 🙂 I was a believer hahahahhahahaa

  20. My first present I can remember is a doll. I still have that doll. It's sitting on a shelf in the billy bookcase next to my bed, and wishes me goodmorning every day. I love to join your beautiful, generous giveaway. That bunny is absolutly adorable!

  21. …well, the Christmas present I've loved most among all in my childhood it's been Buc, a cute, adorable German shepherd puppy that my parents gave me when I was four-year-old, his memory is dear to me still today!

    Thanks so much for this generous chance, Virgínia, I'll keep my fingers crossed for it !(this beautiful hare should be a perfect gift for my next birthday, on 4th of December! ;o)…)

  22. Your blog is amazing! I just found your work after Sew Mama Sew blog…
    When I was a child I was requesting a red-head doll every year….so you can imagine when I opened the boz after 4 years and I saw the doll….I still have it!
    Maria – Spain

  23. O presente que mais me marcou no Natal foi uma "boneca de trapos" (era assim que chamávamos ás bonecas de pano)… Aqueria tanto ter uma… Todos os Natais pedia o mesmo mas… Ela só me apareceu uns anitos depois e… Foi uma alegria daquelas, hehehe!… Coitada… Passou por tanto que até á lexívia teve de ir… A minha mãe refez-lhe a cara e ainda mora lá em casa da mamã, hehehe!…

    Beijinhos ;P

  24. Só agora me apercebi que o desafio era reportarmo-nos aos presentes da infância. Venho então corrigir o comentário anterior.

    Recordo-me de um presente que adorei receber no Natal de 84: um convite para ir a Madrid com a minha melhor amiga e a família dela. Foi a primeira vez que passei dias fora dos pais e por isso mesmo, uma experiência inesquecível. Tinha cerca de 11 anos.

  25. my most memorable christmas gift, is vouchers from my husband. i could trade each one for him to stay home and take care of our daugther so i can enjoy the whole day for myself!

  26. Olá!

    De facto, esta lebre é linda (como todas) e fará alguém muito feliz, mas a mim já fez só por estar a ler estes comentários todos até agora. Que histórias tão giras!

    Pus-me aqui a pensar nas minhas recordações de infância. Sou a mais nova da família (não há primos nem tios e já há algum tempo que não há avós) por isso apesar de a festa ser pequena eu sempre fui a estrela.

    Lembro-me de um cobertor com golfinhos que o meu pai me ofereceu na minha fase de golfinhos, lembro-me de um peluche daqueles que nem sabemos bem que animal é suposto ser e que recebeu o nome Xuxu, porque era a alcunha que os meus avós usavam para se chamar um ao outro, enfim, lembro-me de muitos sorrisos e amor. Lembro-me também de ter medo do Pai Natal, mas isso agora não interessa nada.

    Mas a prenda que mais me marcou não chegou no Natal. Foram uns ténis com o boneco "Sempre em Pé" que me ofereceram quando tinha 3 ou 4 anos para comemorar ter tido alta do hospital. Fizeram uma grande festa como se fosse o meu aniversário e ofereceram-me imensos presentes e eu estava muito feliz por estar outra vez em casa. Essa memória é tão forte que se sobrepõe a ter estado internada.

    Beijinhos e boas festas para todos!

  27. O melhor presente de natal que recebi foi a minha filha 🙂
    Há 2 anos passei o Natal cheia de enjoos e apesar de desconfiar que fosse o meu tesouro não tinha coragem de fazer o teste, por isso e para me deixar ficar na esperança deixei passar as festas para fazer o teste, que veio confirmar a gravidez.
    Da infância tenho pouca memória dos presentes. Lembro-me mais era das festas. Do jantar com a família toda que nunca acabavam cedo e das inúmeras vezes que o pai natal chegava bem depois da 1 da manhã, tal era o atraso e a confusão de enfiar prendas para mais de 20 pessoas numa só sala!
    E de se jantar em casa de uns avós e depois irmos ainda aos outros
    Esta lebre está tão linda!!!!

  28. A prenda de Natal que eu nunca esquecerei foi sem dúvida uma caminha de madeira que o meu pai me fez. Aliás, este Natal foi muito especial. Foi um ano muito dificil para os meus pais, não havia dinheiro para comprar prendas para os quatro filhos e esta foi uma das soluções arranjadas; uma caminha feita pelo pai, com estrado de ripas e tudo, e lençóis e cobertor feitos pela mãe. Lembro-me que tinha “tucha” escrito na cabeceira da cama, com umas letras recortadas de papel autocolante de veludo azul.
    Engraçado perguntares isto…
    A lebre é linda, tão branquinha :)))

  29. so beautiful. The gift that most touched my childhood was a mickey mouse bouncy ball. I bounced on that thing for two weeks straight!

    Come by and visit me. I'm giving away some beeswx ornaments but I didn't sign up for give-away day in time.

  30. Oh, I love that hare, she would look perfect sat in my kitchen.
    The Christmas present that meant the most to me as a child, I can think of 2. One year I wanted a Bible really badly and my Grandad bought me a kids story bible, loved it and remember sitting in front of the fire Christmas day reading the Christmas story. My other favorite was a big doll that I named Sally after my favorite Pre school teacher

  31. You sure have the most beautifull giveaway!!!!
    We never had our presents on christmas day but on Sinterklaas day 5 december. I remeber I got this beautifull doll, she looked exactly the same as the doll I lost and where I had been looking for for weeks! Yes it was the same doll, all dressed up in the most beautiful new clothes and fresh clean face and hair!

  32. The present that I remember the most from my childhood was a vintage style dolly pram in navy blue and white. It had the big spoked chrome wheels and springs so it was very bouncy.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  33. The gift I remember most was a Holly Hobbie sewing machine I received for my 10th Christmas 🙂

    Precious bunny! Gosto muito a coelhina :)xx

    Laurie Gomes-Skonieczny Toronto,Canada
    Rebel Blossom
    rebelbloss69 {at}yahoo {dot}ca

  34. please enter me!!
    my favorite Christmas gift as a child was my stocking from Santa, my brother and I would rush to eachother's rooms on Christmas morning to see what Santa had left us…

    ~amy mcw

  35. The present I remember most was homemade dress up clothes my mother made for my sister and I. She even included all the accessories that made playing dress up SO much fun and we still have the costumes today 🙂

  36. A minha prenda de Natal preferida é quando é possível passar esta altura do ano com os meus irmão… infelizmente não é todos os anos.
    A lebre é linda!

  37. Para mim foi um livro muito antigo que meus pais encontraram numa livraria em Massachussetts nos EUA. Nao tinha um valor muito alto, mas era velho, e o assunto era um que me interessava.

    E agora aqui estou, com minha propria livraria!

  38. I wasn't a stuffed animal fan as a child, but one year my grandmother gave me a white dog. It sat on my bed for years and I still have it to this day. She died the summer after that Christmas, so it was nice to have something to hug when I needed it.

    This little one is so precious!

  39. I remember asking for and receiving a Monopoly game which I still have. My kids played with it and it's still in lovely condition. I made sure everyone treated it kindly!

  40. For me it wasn't so much one gift, as it was spending the day in my pajamas with my family, listening to Christmas music, sharing our gifts and eating good food!

  41. So cute! I loved getting a doll for Christmas that I had eyed for months in the toy store. I thought she was the prettiest dolly ever ever, and I couldn't believe that she was mine.

  42. My most memorable gift was the handmade doll house my grandfather made for me. It was absolutely beautiful – it even had electricity! Even more fun was the little scavenger hunt they sent me on to find the house. Such a great Christmas!

  43. Sweetest bunny ever! A handmade doll from my mom (I still have her) is my all-time favorite Christmas present. I hope I can make something as special for my daughter one day.

  44. O presente de natal que mais me marcou foi uma cesta de palha forrada pela minha mãe (que na altura não tinha possibilidade de me comprar presentes) com folhos em tecidos de várias cores, para deitar a boneca que tinha na altura. Foi um momento mágico, ter uma caminha com lençóis e tudo onde a minha boneca podia dormir.
    A lebre é de uma delicadeza extraordinária 🙂

  45. The present I best remember getting as a child has to be a big (it was nearly as tall as I was!), floppy teddy bear I named Otto. I had wnated one for ages, and was very happy to unwrap my big teddy on Christmas Eve!
    Despite the bear being very, very big, I took him absolutely everywhere with me and used him as a blanket too. Then when I got older he served as a bed for my guinea pig, and now Otto lives with my parents and is used as a bed by my cat and my brother's dog when ever we visit! 😀

  46. Que linda lebre. Adoro-a! O teu trabalho e inesquecivel. O presente que recordo mais, foi um autopista de comboi, aquele que quando telecomando anda sozinho. E um prazer conherce-te. Eu nasci em Lisboa e vivi em Sintra, mas agora vivo na Inglaterra. Vou para Portugal todos os anos. Gosto muito quando encontro alguem que vem de Portugal. Estou particapando nesta Giveaway. 🙂
    As Melhoras para toda as pessoas.

  47. oh my daughter would love the bunny! i think my most treasured christmas gift was my first two wheeled bike. it was so much fun finally learning how to ride!


  48. The funny thing is the most memorable gifts where things in the stocking, we always got oranges and nuts and chocolate.
    Maybe I have always just loved food…
    Thanks for sharing. Bunny bun bun is too cute.

  49. Olá,

    Na vespera de Natal eu e o meu pai saimos para ele me comprar a "Minha Agenda", quendo chegamos à loja, havia lá um palhaço que ria, nós batiamos no rabo dele, e ele dava uma gargalhada tão contangiante que deixava pequenos e adultos a rir a bandeiras despregadas, eu troquei logo a Agenda pelo palhaço, a "Minha Agenda" por muito gira que fosse não me proporcionava tantas horas de riso, a minha avó até fez xixi nas cuecas de tanto rir, era tão giro, tive mesmo muita pena quando ele se estragou, foi o dia de Natal mais giro divertido que tive.


  50. The present that I remember the most from my childhood was a quilt made by my mother when I was a girl. I love it so much because she took a long time to make it just for me =..)

    Andrea ♥

  51. My most touching gift during childhood was a Raggedy Ann doll and matching dress for me that my mom the nonsewer made for me. It was really an act of love that took many hours. I still have both. Now my mom knits and enjoys making our gifts a lot more.

  52. My mother gave me a Madame Alexander doll. I loved loved her. I cut her hair. My mom had the doll refurbished and gave it to my then 3 yr old last Christmas. BEST GIFT TWICE.
    My now 4 yr old would love this.
    Wonderful giveaway.

  53. You're hare is just wonderful! Best present was last year when my little girl got a container and filled it up with lots of her little treasures and then gave it to me – without me or her Dad knowing. I was so overwhelmed by her generosity. Many thanks. x

  54. My favorite childhood present was the birth of my brother on Dec. 26th. My grandparents came on Christmas and I sat under the phone hanging on the wall until we heard that I had a new brother. Thirty eight years later, he's still my best gift.

  55. When I was a kid, every year I got a box. That's what we called it, actually. 'The box.' It was always stuffed to the brim with craft supplies – Crayola must have LOVED my parents! LOL! I always loved that gift! It was one of my favorites and I would love to see it under my tree even now! LOL!

  56. the gift that most touched my childhood and shaped my life in many ways was a child's sewing machine from my mother. this bunny is so precious!


  57. The gift that affected me the most was a little tape player. It was how I discovered my intense love for music. Thanks for the adorable giveaway!

  58. Não costumo comentar, apesar de passar por aqui diáriamente…mas essa lebre é tão tentadora e tenho em casa duas mãozinhas que adorariam brincar com ela. Não tive um presente de Natal que pudesse considerar como o mais marcante, mas gostei muito de uma boneca pequena com tranças castanhas, com a qual brinquei muito e fiz muitas roupinhas. Tive bonecas muito melhores, mas aquela foi sempre a minha preferida, com o seu rosto sardento e risonho.

  59. Vale um presente de aniversário? Como faço anos em Dezembro, é quase Natal… foi um lobo de peluche que na altura era maior do que eu, via-o na montra da loja sempre que passava e na manhã do meu aniversário (devia ter uns 4 anos) quando acordei, ele estava na minha cama, com uma fita laranja no pescoço e um cartão a explicar como tinha vindo vivir para minha casa. Ainda mora no meu quarto de criança…

  60. What I remember most is actually more than one gift. As a young child, my family did not celebrate holidays. When I was seven that changed, and we had our first Christmas. My parents went crazy buying gifts for my older sister and me. It was a day I will never forget.

  61. hi from México!! that is a really hard question… i think my most memorable gift was a doll made by my mom for me…
    i love your blog! my fingers are crossed!

  62. We didn't have a lot of money growing up. My mother always tried to make Christmas special though. I don't remember one present in particular, but every year was special as long as I was with my mom.

  63. I think the Christmas I remember most vividly is the year we were the most poor. I didn't think ANY presents were going to be under our tree, but somehow my mother scraped together several things including a beautiful dress for me.

  64. My most memorable present was the complete set of the Little House on the Prairie books. I was born on the same day as Laura and always identified with her, so I was thrilled to get a beautiful set of all the books!

  65. Oh, how lovely. The best childhood christmas gift I ever received was when I was three years old. My parents gave me a "Theodore the Christmas Bear," only available in the Sears catalogue. He was my very best teddy bear all through my childhood.

  66. Olá Virginia,
    Parabéns pelos teus trabalhos, são muito bonitos. Essa Lebre é um amor.
    Um dos presentes que me marcou foi uma máquina de escrever…não tenho a certeza mas talvez ainda esteja na arrecadação de casa dos meus pais.

  67. O presente de natal que mais me marcou foi uma mobília de quarto que o meu pai na altura fez em madeira para eu deitar as minhas bonecas. As tuchas, na época. Fiquei fascinada por poder arrumar todas as roupinhas delas num guarda fatos a sério 🙂
    Beijinhos e boa sorte para todas as concorrentes ***

  68. The bunny is GORGEOUS !
    Here is my participation to your giveaway :
    The present that reminds printed in my memories is a red sleigh… Probably because it was so big, because there was one for each kid, and because I grew up in a warm country (and not a snowy one !)

  69. What a sweet little bunny! The present i remember the most is a doll that walked and was destroyed (!) by a naughty family member the same day (all in the name of science).

  70. I was always a very thankful little child, but I was always so happy to get a pair of handmade PJ's from my Grama! They kept me warm and snuggly until the next year when there was a new pair waiting for me.

  71. My best childhood present was probably one of the jigsaw puzzles I got, with 1000 pieces. Loved sitting with it on the first days of the Holidays together with my two sisters. 🙂

  72. My mother always made Christmas magical, but the one gift that I remember getting that I really loved was an easy bake oven. I remember baking in it and loving every minute of it.

  73. I once received a doll. A doll that I had wanted all year. We weren't allowed to peak until all of us siblings had awoken and as I stood there I kept saying "I hope I got the doll, I hope I did". then, my brother said "you did. I looked." I didn't care! I was so happy.

  74. Oh my goodness what a gorgeous little rabbit! I think the present I remember the most was one of the first Walkmen (which dates me severely), I couldn't believe that music could be carried around with me like that!

  75. um, I'm so in love with this hare that my mind has gone blank!

    I can't think of just one gift but I can think of a gift giver that most touched my childhood. My grandma's god daughter (and namesake) would send us a box of goodies every year filled with kite making kits, books, modeling clay, projects, and crafts. And unlike other Christmas gifts we got to open it as soon as it arrived – I think because my parents were as excited as we were to see what was inside! They were always interactive and fun and very thoughtful. She did this for us because as a kid my grandma was such a fun and educational influence on her that she wanted to return the favour. I hope to do the same some day.

    thank you do much for sharing your little hare, whoever wins her is very lucky

  76. Lovely! My favorite childhood present was a rock tumbler: you put rough rocks inside a machine and then it polished them all smooth. Sorta wish I still had it! Thaks for the giveaway.

  77. I LOVE your little bunny!!! He is SO adorable I can't wait for him to come to my house in the USA!!

    My favorite Christmas was the first year I had money of my own to buy gifts for my family. I didn't have much but I bought little trinkets for the Christmas stockings. Everyone was SO surprised at what I had done and I was happy to have make them happy.

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter!



  78. my favorite gift is this stuffed turtle that my husband gave me the first Christmas that we knew each other. It was obviously a well loved friend that someone had outgrown and fit my personality perfectly– I knew then that he knew me:)

  79. I love your little hare. The present that touched me the most as a child was simply a book, from my beloved Auntie Ann. I loved books as a child, and she was the only one who gave them to me.

  80. Sweet bunny!

    I remember the year my parents gave me ice skates. Fuzzy pink ice skates. I LOVED those skates, I wore them until they were far far too tight, and cried when my mom finally gave them away…

  81. this might sound weird, but the most meaningful present that I got as a kid was a gallon box of whoppers (chocolate malt balls). i was on top of the world that year!

  82. Hey there! Let's see… I remember one time getting a cabbage patch doll from my father (divorced parents) and it is the only gift he gave me… I treasured it. Your hare is simply ADORABLE… thanks for the op and thanks for stopping by my blog too! Hugs.

  83. This might sound odd, but I remember getting a desk for Christmas. I was a very studious kid, and I loved having my own place to read and write. I still have the desk!

    I love the bunny.

  84. My most treasured Christmas present as a child was my Fisher Price Little People, I spent hour upon hour playing with my Little People Family – I still have most of the pieces and my daughter nows plays with them!

  85. I remember my Strawberry Shortcake vanity the most. We spent Christmas at my grandparents' that year and I would give anything to do it again! The bunny is too sweet!

  86. hmmm, that most touched my childhood…I remember I wanted this Mandy doll so desperately. I used to sit and stare at it in the magazine wishing that I could have one. And, then one Christmas she was there! 🙂 now, my little girl gets to play with the Mandy doll, sure it's no special memory that taught me life lessons, but I had really, really ,really, wanted that doll 😉

  87. What a thought-provoking question. I love it. The Christmas gift that touched me as a child was my Kelly doll that my mom made for me when I was very young, three years old, I think. She was my favorite for a very long time, until she was lost.

  88. Cute!

    My most memorable Christmas gift was a doll named Cricket when I was 5. (It was the "it" gift of the year.) She talked via a tape player in her back. She was my very, very favorite doll for years, until my cousin cut all her hair off. 😀

    My email is, if I win. Thanks!

  89. what a darling rabbit!
    & the gift that most touched me when i was a child was a coat & dress set my mother made me for Easter. she stayed up numerous nights to finish it & it was stunning.

    have a great holiday season!

  90. Your bunnies are too sweet!
    During my youth my favorite memory was the year my sisters and I helped wrap gifts and decorate the tree for children less fortunate than ourselves. My dad played organ music for the festivities and we had such a wonderful party.

  91. I loved the easy bake oven I received! It is heated with only a lightbulb and I would make my dad brownies and pizza and only he could eat them because I loved him so much. Now I realize how much he loved me as I am sure my creations were just globs of gunk but he ate every bite.
    Your hare is darling–thank you for lovingly making him/her for the giveaway!

  92. what a super sweet doll. love the photos you used.
    i remember my grandparents giving me chocolate covered cherries each year which i didn't like too much back then. *but*, one year, they also gave me a full sized globe! such an incredible thing, even as a little girl i was enamored by it. thank you!

  93. Oh, a really pretty pink bike. In those days it represented freedom. We would ride our bikes all day. Your little bunny doll is so very cute!

  94. Oh, yes, what a beautiful Hare indeed! I love it. Hmm. One childhood present that was meaningful to me was the nightgowns my mother sewed for us every Christmas. I always felt so pretty and warm and cozy in them. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.

  95. The present I most remember is a friend taking my sister and I to see The Nutcracker ballet when we were 10. We dressed up and felt so grown up!

  96. Is it weird that I don't remember any of my "big" christmas presents growing up? The ones I most remember are really practical ones we got every year – a matching towel, washcloth, hand towel set, pajamas things like that. My parents made them special by letting us open one gift a night for the 8 nights before Christmas. . . . and I looked forward to them ALL year! I still remember those things but not the one "big" gift on Christmas.

  97. I received a red stick horse when I was probably four years old. I thought that pony was real and I can remember looking at it for what seemed like hours in disbelief at how beautiful it was. I had a pony!

  98. Such a beautiful bunny! The present I remember most and dearly was my Fisher Price Little People – I played with these people for hours on end – and now my daughter does!

  99. I remember a dress, it was shirt dress and I want to say it was blue-gray bit I am no longer sure. I didn't like it and I think it never got worn. Considering it was Soviet Union and there was shortage of everything I should have worn it. Maybe it was too small? Who knows, I have forgotten and my mom does not remember the dress any more…
    I do remember reading and sorting all the Christmas cards my grandma used to get. There would be 5-6-7 cm stacks on the table. These would start arriving in the beginning of December and the flow would cease only mid-January.

  100. Your giveaway is so generous and beautiful – thank you! In retrospect, the Christmas gift that touched me most as a child was spending the day with family, surrounded by love and laughter. I live an ocean away from my family now and we rarely are together at Christmas, so I've learned to appreciate how lucky I was then. Happy holidays!

  101. It was a dancing doll that my mother had made, she was as tall as me and had elastics for my feet and hands. I learned to dance in life with that wee dolly.Thank you for sharing and happy holidays

  102. I can't exactly answer your question because in the Netherlands we don't really receive gifts at Christmas. We celebrate Saint Nicilas on the 5th of December.
    What I loved and still love about Saint Nicolas is that people give eachother gifts selflessly, because things are given in the name of Saint Nicolas. We wrap our gifts in special surprise packages: something that is crafted like a house, a doll, etc and we make poems to go with the gifts. They are always funny with a little advice for the recipient. I love this tradition! Only 2 more days and our celebration will be there…
    Thanks for the chance to win your lovely doll!

  103. Sooooooooo cute!!! I love this bunny. i want this bunny. Can i have it? Can I? Can I?

    A present from my past… a bunny of couse :o) It was a blue pink white bunny. He went everywhere with me. Fell into river once… I went strait behing him :o) Still have him.

  104. what an adorable rabbit! your blog is beautiful. my favorite present ever was my first pair of rollerskates. i went to the store and picked out a pair of sneakers, wheels, and a bright yellow stopper and watched while they were all mounted on the skate base. i never wanted to take them off! thank you for reminding me of that and this opportunity.

  105. When I was a child, I love pink and gold and one year my mom gave me a lamp that had a lady with a beautiful pink and gold dress as the base. I loved it, but it was destroyed in a fire on New Years Day. Almost the entire downtown area burned, including a Greek Orthodox Church at the center of our town (Sitka, Alaska) Mom died last year and I wish I had thought to replace that lamp while she was still alive. Maybe I will now, anyway. Thanks for a question that caused me to remember.

  106. I will never forget walking downstairs and seeing my Barbie RV when i was 8 years was just magical! Thanks for a hcance at your hare, its so cute.

  107. I think the present I remember the most is when my family got a Sega Genesis. My parents bought it for all the kids, and I loved to play Echo the Dolphin, but just wasnt good at it, so I would ask my brothers to play Echo so that I could watch… ^_^

    abigail.lee {at}

  108. The present that most touched my life was an organ. I enjoyed it so much, and I still have it. It is that memorable to me. The second most memorable was a manual typewriter. I thought that was the coolest. Of course, this was way before computers and all of these electronic gadgets we have today. The next was a little record player. Oh, the hours of fun I had with that. Then I got a little tape recorder and my siblings and I spent hours recording each other singing and talking. We still have those tapes. What a treasure. Then last but not least, I got a Wonder Woman super hero Barbie Doll. I wanted to be her. Sorry to give you more than one.

    But if I am to choose one, it will be the organ.

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I am also doing a giveaway. I have two blogs, and

    My 9 year old daughter is having a giveaway on her sewing blog as well,

    Hope you'll stop by and have a look around and enter our giveaways.

    Have a blessed day.


  109. The bunny is adorable!

    The gift that touched me the most was a child camera I got from my grandmother when I was about 5. I am now a photographer and I think fondly of my first camera.

  110. I love the bunny and would give her a good home.
    As a child the gift that I remember most was the year I received NONE. Dad had money problems that year and nothing was under the tree, I would have been happy with even a coloring book, but nothing. If I hear of a child who won't have Christmas I step in and gather gifts and leave them in front of their door. I never want a child to go thru a Christmas with nothing as I did. Over the past years I have helped hundreds of Children have a Merry Christmas

  111. I remember when I got a toy dog for Christmas – it was my favorite thing for years! You could press the button on the leash and he would walk and bark. 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    If I should happen to win, please email me – elizabethdaming(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

  112. this bunny is precious. the best christmas or the most memorable was when my sister and i got almost everything matching. i loved it and she hated it. thanks for coming to my blog and entering the giveaway. good luck

  113. My fancy baby doll – my mom received one when she was 5 and she still had it when I was little. I thought the dolly was just beautiful and when I opened my very similar one on Christmas morning when I was 5 I was do excited. I still have my doll (an my Mom has hers) and I hope to give my daughter a special dolly when she turns 5. Thanks

  114. The Christmas present that probably most touched my childhood was when I received a Cabbage Patch Kid. I had been wanting one for so long and she was with me my entire childhood. I still have her to this day.
    I love rabbits and your bunny is especially precious.

  115. The christmas gift I remember most was a doll which my grandfather used to give me. It was tall (for me being 5 years old then), had eyes that could close and fair curly short hair. I still have it and I remember my good and much loved grandfather whenever I see it.

    The bunny is so sweet,

    kind regards Nina

    chicharrera (at) gmx dot com

  116. The present I remember the most was cross country skis… I remember coming downstairs and seeing these objects all stacked up against the wall. I had no idea at the time what they were, but skiing became a huge part of my winters as a result.

  117. What a lovely bunny. One of my favoured gifts was when my mom won "the world's biggest stocking" in a contest. it was bigger than her/ It contained soooo many crafts. I was about 9-10 at the time, so it was well loved.
    We have family in carcavelos and visited for the past 2 summers. how I love Portugal! lucky you.
    thanks for sharing

  118. the present I remember most is a historical doll, with a trunk, clothes, a pet kitten, and furniture. I came downstairs to see a big box with a sign that said "open me first!". It was very exciting to have one mysterious box singled out like that 🙂

  119. A Christmas present that I loved as a child was a dollhouse that my dad built. It was big enough for our cabbage patch kids to play in… and a total surprise even though he had been working on it at night for months. Great giveaway! My son would love that bunny…

  120. When I was little Cabbage Patch kidss were just being released. My mum could not afford one for me and my sister so my nan made us one each – complete with birth certificate.

    I always loved the things she made for us.

  121. The present that most touched me wasn't an actual physical present, but rather when my grandmother gave up smoking for me and my sisters. It was very touching.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  122. The christmas present that most touched my childhood was one that was given. When I was 10 my family adoped a family in need. It was my job to shop for a girl who was 9. I selected several items for her including a set of MC Hammer pants (very in style) and a walkman CD player. I didn't get to see her open her gifts but I remember being very proud that I had helped another child have a merry christmas.

  123. Christmas present that most touched me…. probably the dollhouse for my sister and I, that my parents saved for when we were having a tough year. My sis and I hated sharing, but somehow knew that this was one thing we HAD to do (we were 3 and 6), and I still remember that to this day (I was 3)

  124. We didn't really exchange or get Christmas presents when I was a kid. But we did went to a midnight mass every year and ate food together after we got home. It was nice.

  125. My most memorable Christmas present was probably the year that I got a Cabbage Patch doll. I loved that doll and was so greatful to get one. I have it saved for my little ones when they get old enough.

  126. Wish I spoke portuguese, but as a girl who took ballet classes, my most cherished gift as a Nutcracker doll. I loved that doll and pretended I was Clara.

  127. My parents gave me the barbie house when I was nine and TO this day it will always be the best gift given to me. Mainly because it was the only thing I ever asked for growing up. Before and after I never asked for a specific item. It was fantastic.

  128. My favorite present ever was the dollhouse that my grandfather built me. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to hand it down to her.

    (For now, she'd be happy with the bunny)

  129. The childhood gift that meant the most to me was the wicker doll buggy I received. I did not grow up in a family that had much money, and how my parents were able to purchase it, I'll never know, but I do know I cherished that buggy and now cherish all the memories of it. 🙂

  130. A competição pela lebre está renhida (pudera, é tão linda!), mas ainda assim, vou tentar a minha sorte… Não me lembro exactamente de um presente que me tenha marcado muito. Lembro-me que não gostava muito de receber livros. E lembro-me particularmente de receber uma caixa de bombons e caramelos (era / sou muito gulosa) dentro de uma lata decorada com desenhos da Heidi (eu gostava muito da Heidi). Agora do que me lembro muito bem, era da expectativa da chegada dos meus avós, que vinham de Coimbra, de nos escondermos, eu e o meu irmão, debaixo da mesa da sala para lhes fazermos uma surpresa, do bolo de chocolate que a minha avó trazia, da compenetração e solenidade com que o meu avô construía o presépio, e das cantigas que cantava na noite de Natal…

  131. we dont celabrate christmas but we have chanuka.
    so the best childhood gift that i got was from my grandfather and it was a barbie bath tub and shower!
    i absalutly loved it!

  132. As a child I desperately wished a German Käthe Kruse doll which at the time was too expensive for my parents to buy. So I had to wait many years. When I was 12 they finally got me the doll and although I was slightly embarrassed at Christmas because I thought I was now to grown-up to receive a doll at 12 I was still very happy to have one and I still have her now and I am 60 years old. So thank you very much for this giveaway. Merry Christmas to you and greetings from Germany

  133. Yo quiero participar, y aunque no entiendo el portugués, creo que preguntas sobre una Navidad especial en ty infancia…mi día preferido es el día de Reyes que se celebra en España….no podía dormir en toda la noche y muy temprano ya estaba despierta para ver lo que me habían traido Sus Majestades des de Oriente…y el mejor día fue el de la bicicleta con 6 años…nunca lo olvidaré!!

  134. Oh, she's so cute! I would love to win her!

    Hmmmm, the gift that most touched my childhood? That would probably be my green glowworm! They were very popular here in the '80s, and I loved him so much. He still actually lives at my Mum's house and I always make sure to give him a hug when I visit my Mum.

  135. My most memorable Christmas present was a little chair from my grandma. It was hers when she was a little girl, and I admired it every time I went to her house (every day!). One year, I was so surprised to see she had wrapped it up for my for Christmas. Even at about 4 years old, I knew how special it was to have it!

    jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

  136. I think the most memorable gift I received was my very first nutcracker. I was collecting them for some time, but have since stopped. I am now feeling that this tradition needs to continue.

  137. My favorite, I still hang it every year, is the hand knit stocking my mom made for me when I was very young. It is a Santa's face with an angora beard and mustache. My mom knit unique stockings for everyone in the family so there is no other like mine.

  138. My favorite present was a doll that I loved and played with the most of any toy from my childhood. I still have it and hope to share her with my daughter when she's older! Thanks! You take beautiful pictures.

  139. Hello from Nashville, TN! The present I remember most is when I turned 12- my grandmother passed that year, and my mom gave me one of her rings. I felt like a had a piece of her with me always… still feel that way 🙂

  140. I remember many wonderful gifts, but one I loved was when I got a tall bookshelf – it was simple but I loved it and spent many hours arranging books on it!

  141. I was eight years old and received a new puppy. We had always had animals, but this one was Mine! I named her Yatchee and she lived with me for 12 long years. She was a dachsund/poodle mix with long body, longish legs, and black and brown markings. I loved her so.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  142. The little Hare is beautiful, I made a calico rabbit for my sister one year but it was nothing like that. The most touching gift I was given was one year my gran bought a second hand barbie doll and knitted an entire wardrobe of clothes for her. It was lovely.

  143. the bunny is adorable! when i was little, on holidays my aunts and uncles would give me red pockets that have 50 or 100 cash in them >_< we would eat a large delicious meal and that was always satisfying 😀

  144. Que bonita Lebre, nascida na mesma vila que eu, talvez nos conheceremos em pessoa, com sorte.
    Um boneco careca, tipo bebe gigante, quando tinha uns seis anos… Lembro-me claramente da excitacao desse Natal.

  145. Oh, such a lovely little rabbit! Well, the present I remember most is… a puppy I got from my parents, of course!!! Unfortunately my mam quickly developed and allergy and we have to give it away 🙁 Thanks for the giveaway!

  146. My most cherished Christmas present is a fuzzy blue lion made by my mother when I was 6 years old. I have had it for well over 30 years and it still brings back fond memories!!

  147. Hmm, I come from China, where we didn't celebrate Christmas when I was growing up. But the present of childhood that I remember the most was a book of papercutting. I spent so much time cutting out all sorts of different shapes out of the book.

    Lovely bunny.

  148. I think the best Christmas present from my childhood was my bike. At least it's the one I remember the most! I was a late learner and getting and learning to ride a bike helped me make friends and have adventures in my neighborhood!

  149. How cute is that! 🙂

    The christmas gift I remember loving a lot was a metal shovel for the snow with drawings on it. It funny how now shoveling doesn't seem that exciting!!!

    Thanks for the giveaway! Happy holidays!

    misszucchini (at) yahoo (dot) ca

  150. Hi. My name is Emily. I am a 9 year old homeschooler. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to my Grandma's, and we always her help her decorate her tree. I love to sew. Right now I am sewing a Christmas tree skirt to go underneath our tree this year. I have my very own sewing blog at . I hope you will come to my blog, too. I am also doing a giveaway on my blog. Thank you for this generous giveaway prize. I would love to be entered for a chance to win.

    sk8ter dot emily at gmail dot com

  151. Bem…. o presente de que me lembro logo que penso na minha infancia e nos Natais, em que só abriamos os presentes de mazinha junto á lareira por onde o Pai natal tinha descido enquanto dormiamos e eramos acordados ou por mim ou pela minha irmã aos gritos(o meu irmão tem menos 11 anos que eu, já não teve de esperar para o dia seguinte 🙁 ou :), não sei :))…enfim foi uma boneca que falava e chorava e que qd deitada se torcia em cima da cama e que o meu trouxe de Paris, e que foi a grande novidade para nós e para as nossas amigas……bons tempo :))
    um bj e passa no meu blog tb há giveaway

  152. The present I remember the most wasn't even mine! My little sister was ill in the hospital and her gifts were left under the tree for her to open when she got home. As a child myself I couldn't resist them. After feeling one of them through the paper I realized that it was a toy iron. I wish we still had it as it was handmade by our grandfather.

  153. Hello! The rabbit is cute :). I guess the gift I cherish the most is a teddy bear that I got when I was 4 or 5 years old. He was my friend for years and now he lies in the crib of my little son. So as you can see he has a well deserved place in my family :). Cheers

  154. What a beautiful giveaway! As a child, I got a Cabbage Patch Doll one Christmas. I loved it so much that I carried it everywhere. I even had my photo taken with it once! My cousin took my brother and I to get professional portraits taken & I refused to pose without Nicola Beth. (That was her name.) Now that I'm grown, I still want to name a real baby Nicola!

    Thanks for the chance to enter!

  155. My most precious Christmas gift was
    a Chatty Cathy talking doll. I didn't
    think it would be under the tree because of our family's finances.
    I still have her, safe and sound!
    Many thanks, Cindi

  156. The present that I remember the most is a real size doll that I called Kathleen. She was as tall as me (at the time!) and I playes long hours with her. My mom sewed her a entire wardrobe, too.
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway, your little hares are simply too cute!

  157. The best present I received for Christmas was a little music box/ clock with a ballerina inside who danced around every hour to a Mozart melody. I was 8 yrs old and had it until I was in my 40's!

  158. When I was 4 my dad made me a lovely wooden cradle for my cabbage patch doll. My mom made a set of blanekts and pillows to fit it. I still have it all, waiting for the day we have a little girl! 🙂

  159. Lembro-me de algumas prendas que adorei como um Snoopy que andei a namorar imenso tempo mas o que mais recordo era a felicidade de ir ter com os meus Avós e de decorar a árvore com aqueles chocolates com a forma de Pai Natal, sinos, coelhinhos, joaninhas e todo um mundo de fantasia, forrado a papel-prata, e que já me está a deixar com uma lagriminha no olho ao escrever isto. É melhor ficar por aqui 😉


  160. Santa brought me a bike once and I was happy!! I loved so much to run with it every afternoons. Today I'm still nostalgic when I remember that ¡_¡
    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  161. We didn't have much money, I was 11 and wanted cool clothes, but didn't have much…my aunt sent me a pink satin jacket for Xmas at it was the most fabulous present I ever received.

    That bunnny is soooooo adorable!

  162. A lebre é linda. Que giro descobrir este blog através de um concurso destes!
    O meu grande presente de infância foi um triciclo vermelho, (que me parecia) muito grande e adulto. Este ano vou comprar um para a minha bebé. Vermelho, claro.

  163. Virginia,

    Entao e o meu comentário?
    Deixei aqui um comentário na semana passada a dizer que o que mais tinha gostado tinha sido uma maquina de escrever mas nao está cá .. Ora bolas! Perdeu se pelo caminho?


    ps – e a lebre é linda claro!

  164. When I was 6 and we had just arrived in the US my mother spent many nights knitting clothes for my teddy … all in blue and white. I couldn't imagine how she'd done it without my knowing!
    Love your little bunny!

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